Terms Of Use

This website has been created, and is maintained, by and on behalf of tailorchauffeurservice.com, These terms and conditions govern your use of this website and any connected applications (our ‘services’) delivered by tailorchauffeurservice.com If you do not accept these, you must not use the website. Use of this website is taken to mean that you have accepted these terms and conditions.
tailorchauffeurservice.com is a registered trading name of tailorchauffeurservice.com Publishing Limited. tailorchauffeurservice.com Publishing Limited is registered in England with registered company.
Changes To These Terms
These Terms and Conditions of Use may be changed from time to time, and you are responsible for regularly reviewing this information to ensure that you are aware of any changes. These Terms and Conditions of Use are governed by English law, and any dispute connected with this site is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.
Continued use of the website or services constitutes your acceptance of any changes or revisions, you are therefore advised to check this page regularly. If you disagree with the terms you should discontinue use of the website and services.
Copyright and Intellectual Property Rights
Unless specified, all copyright, trademarks, design rights and all other intellectual property rights (registered or unregistered) and all content located on the website are the exclusive property of tailorchauffeurservice.com. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized reproduction and/or use is strictly prohibited, unless written permission has been granted by tailorchauffeurservice.com.
You are only allowed to print, download or temporarily store extracts from our websites for your personal, non-commercial use, or information or when you use the Internet Online Payments Service. You must keep any copyright or other notices contained in the original material on any of the material you download. You are not allowed to alter, copy, distribute, transmit, display, reproduce, or transfer anything on this website and any other use is prohibited unless you first get our express written consent. No one may use any part of our internet websites on any other website, or link any other website to our internet websites, without such consent.


Use of the Website by You
The information contained in this website is intended for general information only. tailorchauffeurservice.com makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or availability of such information and shall not be responsible in any way for any use of or reliance on such information by any person.
tailorchauffeurservice.com is committed to the highest standards of quality of information. If there are any items of incorrect information would you, please contact us and advise which page contains the error.
tailorchauffeurservice.com is not responsible for any sites that may be accessed from links contained in this website and makes no representation or warranty as to their availability, or the suitability or accuracy of their content. If you choose to link to these sites you do so at your own risk.
You agree not to use any obscene, indecent or offensive language, or to place on the website any material that is false, defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful. Further, you may not place on the website any material that breaches copyright or any other rights of another person or organization. You may not place on the website any information that is encrypted, constitutes junk mail or unauthorized advertising, invades anyone’s privacy, encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation. You agree to use the website only for lawful purposes and you acknowledge that your failure to do so may subject you to civil and criminal liability.
You are responsible for ensuring that any material you provide to the website including but not limited to text, photographs and sound, does not violate the copyright, trade mark, trade secret or any other personal or proprietary rights of any third party.
You are responsible for the content of your posts and tailorchauffeurservice.com does not accept any liability for the content or accuracy of your messages.
If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on any tailorchauffeurservice.com website in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, or that the website contains links or other references to another online location that contains tailorchauffeurservice.com so appropriate action can be taken.
Information Collected By Us
We collect web statistics automatically about your visit to our site via cookies. This information is used to aid development of the website and its content and to audit usage of the site. The information gathered in this way will not be used for any other purpose and you can choose to not allow cookies when asked. These statistics do not contain personal data and cannot be traced back to an individual. If you have any concerns about the processing of your personal data by us please contact our Data Protection Officer for further information.
tailorchauffeurservice.com makes every effort to ensure that information contained in these pages is accurate and up to date. However, we cannot guarantee that inaccuracies will not occur and we cannot give you any warranty nor can we make any representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the content of our website.
tailorchauffeurservice.com its employees or agents cannot be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of use of this website, or reliance on the information provided or any other information accessed via these web pages. tailorchauffeurservice.com accepts no liability for any such loss, damage or inconvenience and it is up to the user to satisfy himself of the suitability of the website(s) which he uses entirely at his own risk.
Access to and use of this website is at the user’s own risk and tailorchauffeurservice.com does not warrant that the use of this website or any material downloaded from it will not cause damage to any property, including but not limited to loss of data or computer virus infection. You are advised to ensure that you have adequate measures to prevent any such problems.
tailorchauffeurservice.com is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of any linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply that we endorse or support those organizations, the information on their pages, or their products or services in any way.
These sites are not under the control of tailorchauffeurservice.com and we cannot be responsible for their content. We cannot guarantee that these links will work at all times and we have no control over the availability of the linked pages. You link to such websites at your own risk. tailorchauffeurservice.com cannot be liable for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of such third party websites.
Processing Your Instructions
• An Instruction means any request or instruction to tailorchauffeurservice.com which is affected through the On Line Payments Service.
• You request and authorize tailorchauffeurservice.com to rely on and act upon all apparently valid instructions as instructions properly authorized by you, even if they may conflict with any other mandate given at any time concerning your accounts or affairs and tailorchauffeurservice.com may debit your account with any amount it has paid or incurred in accordance with any instructions.
• An instruction will only be accepted by tailorchauffeurservice.com it has been affected through the On Line Payments Service using the appropriate Security Procedures but tailorchauffeurservice.com, will not further check the authenticity of an Instruction.
• You agree that tailorchauffeurservice.com can act on any Instructions given to us even if these Instructions were not authorized by you.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com may refuse to act on an Instruction.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com may suspend or refuse the On-Line Payments Service for any reason and at any time. (This should only be necessary if we suspect an error or fraud or need to maintain the equipment).
• You must make sure that any Instruction is accurate and complete. tailorchauffeurservice.com is not liable for any error if this is not the case.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com will make reasonable efforts to process your Instruction without undue delay but a transaction being carried out is not always simultaneous with an Instruction being given. Some matters may take time to process and may only be processed during normal banking hours even although the On-Line Payments Service may be accessible outside such hours.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com will take reasonable care to ensure that any information provided to you by the On-Line Payments Service is an accurate reflection of the information contained in our computer system or, where the information is provided by a third party, accurately reflects the information we receive from that third party. Due to the nature of the product and circumstances beyond our control, we do not warrant that the information provided by the On-Line Payment Service is accurate or error free. If you rely on that information, you do so subject to the disclaimer above.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com shall not be liable to you for any loss you may suffer due to any event or circumstances beyond our reasonable control which leads to the On-Line Payments Service being unavailable.
• You agree that unless tailorchauffeurservice.com specifically agrees with you otherwise, we shall have no liability whatsoever for any equipment, software or associated user documentation which any party other than us produces at any time for use in connection with the On-Line Payments Service or, any services through which you access the On-Line Payments Service or which you access through the On Line Payments Service which are not controlled by us.
• tailorchauffeurservice.com records will be evidence of your dealings with us in connection with the On-Line Payments Service. Our records will always remain as the valid record of any account for the appropriate length of time required by law.
• You agree not to object to the admission of our records as evidence in any legal proceedings because such records are not originals, are not in writing or are documents produced by a computer.
• You may not make, nor allow to be made, any alteration or amendment whatsoever to the information available on our website(s) and On-Line Payments Service. If any alteration or amendment is found by tailorchauffeurservice.com to have been made, legal action may be instigated against you. tailorchauffeurservice.com records will always override any other version you may produce.
• You are only allowed to print, download or temporarily store extracts from our internet website(s) for your personal information or when you use the On-Line Payments Service. You are not allowed to alter anything, and any other use is prohibited unless you first obtain our specific written consent. You may not, nor may you allow any other person to, use any part of our internet website(s) on any other website, or link any other website to our internet website(s), without such consent.